Table of contents

Community Engagement

The points given for community engagement are not entirely dependent on your number of messages but it is also more focused towards the quality of conversation and so on.

The ambassadors with the NPC (Farmer) role will not get any points for community engagement.

The points for this category will be capped at 400 points

Injective Discord server

The engagement within the Injective Discord server excluding regional channels will be taken in high regard and if your conversation within the server includes good and natural discussion then you can be given good points for it while if it just mindless idle chatter then low points or no points can be given for it.

Regional channels & regional Telegram groups

The points for community engagement within the regional channel will depends on the number messages, each message will be worth 0.5 points.

However if any kind of spam or meaningless chatter is found then the community engagement points for that month will be reduced down to 0.

Other non-regional Injective related Telegram groups & Discord servers

The same rules as Injective Discord server will apply to other non-regional Injective related Telegram groups & Discord server for community engagement.

The ambassadors must mention which other groups they are active on.

Engagement on Twitter and other social media

Engagement such as comments on Twitter, etc. might also give some points, also any kind of spam comments or meaningless comments will not be given any points, if there’s too much spam then the community engagement points for that month will be reduced down to 0.

Social Media Engagement

This category will be mostly focused towards quality of posts rather than quantity, if an attempt to farm points by spamming meaningless posts is found then the points for this category can be potentially reduced down to 0.

The points given for each post will be changed to be within a range of 0-75.

The quality of a post depends on several factors such as how easy is it to understand the topic which the post is trying to explain, how well it is written, the quality of media (Image/Video/GIF) attached with the post and so on.